Would you like to have the name of your pets engraved onto brick at Greenwood's Dog Park on Merrywood Drive in the Grace Street Park?

Never doubt that contributions, no matter their size, can make a difference.

Through our Buy-A-Brick Campaign you can make a donation, play an important part in your park's future, and be a part of an enduring display that  recognizes special pets. You can choose a message that will be laser engraved on a brick and permanently displayed at The Grace Street Dog Park.  

This year, we are offering two sizes of bricks:

4"x8" (3 lines) for $50.00 each and 8"x8" (6 lines) for $100 each.  

While the bricks will become a part of The Grace Street Park, you can take home a miniature replica of your brick for just $25.00 more for the 4"x8" and just $35  more for the 8"x8". Bricks make great gifts and help maintain The Grace Street Dog Park! We will also provide an optional, suitable-for-framing certificate  recognizing your contribution and dedication to helping grow Greenwood's Parks & Trails.